Discovering our World

Travel, beauty, fashion, style and lifestyle blog by Ashley Liddle


Category: Discovering the world / Odkrywając świat

Muir Woods National Monument: Discover the Giant Redwoods

Near San Francisco (about 40 minutes by car), you’ll find the giant redwoods in Muir Woods National Monument, a park where you can admire the majestic giants found in California‘s wooded landscapes. Muir Woods National Monument This park, which covers 553 acres and has… Continue Reading…

San Francisco in 3 days

3 days is the typical time frame that visitors dedicate to San Francisco. In this article, I will try to detail what I think is the best route to visit San Francisco in 3 days, designed not only to see the so-called must-see… Continue Reading…

San Francisco: Attractions and Places to Visit

San Francisco, the world capital of all things eccentric and unconventional. It’s one of the most fascinating cities in the USA and it should not be overlooked if you’re planning to visit California. San Francisco lays at the heart of the San Francisco Bay… Continue Reading…

Facts and myths about living in Southern California

Are you dreaming of moving to California and wondering to what extent the image shown in movies and series is truthful? Will your character fit like a glove to the local reality, or maybe your tastes do not match it… Continue Reading…

Polish traces in the world. USA – part 3 – from Silesia to Texas

Continuing our journey following the footsteps of Polish settlers in America I found my way to Texas. I briefly described the beginnings of this first Polish settlement, but, due to a very important anniversary, I would like to stop at… Continue Reading…

Śladami Polaków na świecie – USA – część 3

Kontynuując naszą podróż śladami polskich osadników w Ameryce trafiłam do Teksasu. W poprzednim poscie z naszego cyklu “Polacy na swiecie” krótko opisałam początki tej pierwszej polskiej osady, ale z uwagi na bardzo ważną rocznicę chciałabym zatrzymać się w tym miejscu… Continue Reading…

San Francisco – short history and curiosities

San Francisco is one of the most recognizable cities in America that is definitely worth visiting during a trip to the United States. You will find here not only famous symbols such as the Golden Gate Bridge, steep streets and… Continue Reading…

New chapter – California

May 6, 2006. 16 years ago today I followed my dream and moved to California. It was May 1st. I just finished packing my last bag I was going to take with me. All other bags, boxes and some furniture… Continue Reading…

May 1, 2005

May 1, 2005. 17 years ago. I was living in Chicago back then, and having just come out of yet another heavy Mid-West winter, I decided I needed to warm up; so I packed a small suitcase and took a plane to a place that a year… Continue Reading…

Ukraine: A short history

Ukraine is in the east of Europe, and is bound by Russia to its northeast, east, and southeast, and the Black Sea in the south. In the southwest, west, and north, Ukraine shares borders, in the clockwise direction, with Moldova,… Continue Reading…